Tuesday 18 December 2012

Lionel Messi is my favourite artist.

Surprise. A second book delivered by air mail from Paris. Maybe I won't attempt to learn the French after all. Sergio Aquindo's sinister looking volume in these frenzied witch hunting times make my doodles look like Mabel Lucie Attwell.....
This is an obsessive work. Classical drawing/engraving of the beer bellied cross hatching technique dredged from a museum of dried skin and reptiles. Merry Christmas one an' all. Thank you Mr. Aquindo for your gift. My personal librarian is currently squeezing you in alongside the aquatic section, your neighbour is a turtle.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the title of this blog post.
    Perhaps what you've written here should have been printed on the back cover of the book. That is high praise from Mr. Hughes.
    Super gift, getting Chuki's book, and that too with an illustrated eulogy.
